Anand Bhardwaj
Graduate Student | Montréal, Canada |
PhD (Candidate) Management, McGill University
PhD Ecology and Evolution, Emory University (2013)
I study the entanglement of knowledge and technology in organizations. My research is primarily based on qualitative field studies in public sector or healthcare settings.
I enjoy teaching, and have experience in both academic and executive teaching and course design. I can teach core courses on management fundamentals, emerging technology and society, and research methods at the undergraduate, masters, and doctoral level.
PhD (Candidate) in Management. Strategy and Organization area, Desautels Faculty of Management, McGill University, Montreal
Estimated Graduation: 2025
Area: Strategy and Organization Theory
Proposed Thesis: Artificial Intelligence and the Operating Room Schedule: Entangling knowledge and emerging technology development in healthcare
Based on a comparative qualitative field study, this study examines how differences in local expertise arrangements and coordination practices lead to divergences in how an AI is conceived, developed onsite by a common technology developer, and enrolled in the scheduling of operating rooms (ORs) at two comparable ultra-specialty hospitals in the same public healthcare system .
PhD in Population Biology, Ecology & Evolution. Division of Biological and Biomedical Sciences, Laney Graduate School, Emory University, Atlanta
Graduated December 2013
Thesis: The Impact of Demographics and Life History Characteristics on RNA Virus Evolution and Extinction
This dissertation contributed to disease ecology, population genetics, and computational systems biology by developing a branching-process based theoretical model of RNA viral "repeated bottleneck" travel and survival over a realistic rugged evolutionary fitness landscape. For this study, I wrote a multilevel agent-based simulation model to explore dynamics of viral survival strategies, implemented in R, and conducted empirical analyses of genetic data from 1000+ global viral populations to verify and extend theory using classical and Bayesian statistical methods.
Bachelor of Science. College of Arts and Sciences, Emory University, Atlanta
Biology Major. Graduated December 2007
Refereed Papers
Faraj, S.; Renno, W.; Bhardwaj, A. (2021) Unto the breach: What the COVID-19 pandemic exposes about digitalization. Information & Organization, 31 (1), []
Refereed Book Chapters
Faraj, S.; Renno, W.; Bhardwaj, A. (2022) AI and Uncertainty in Organizing. in Mark A. Griffin & Gudela Grote (Eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Uncertainty Management in Work Organizations. Oxford Academic.
Working Papers
Faraj, S.; Bhardwaj, A. Coordinating improvisation or improvising coordination? Navigating multiple frontlines during the COVID-19 crisis
Bhardwaj, A., Faraj, S., Malas, K., Brunet, F. From Command to Commanding: Beyond the Command Center Approach to Crisis Management
Bhardwaj, A. The knowing that matters: Entangling expertise during healthcare AI development
Bhardwaj, A. Faraj, S. AI of the beholder: How expertise arrangements shape AI for OR scheduling
Bhardwaj, A. Towards an ecology of knowledge: Inheritance and innovation in knowledge communities
Conference Papers, Symposia, and Presentations
Bhardwaj, A.; Faraj, S. (2024) Artificial Intelligence in the Operating Room: Doing expertise and expert systems in healthcare. Academy of Management Annual Meeting 2024 Showcase Symposium (Organized by Bhardwaj, A. and Karacic, T.): Entangling Expertise and AI at work: Tales from the Field. Chicago, Illinois
Bhardwaj, A.; Faraj, S. (2024) Leading from the Frontline: Autonomy and Improvisation in a hospital during times of crisis. Academy of Managment Annual Meeting 2024 Paper Session (Healthcare Management). Chicago Illinois
Bhardwaj, A; Faraj, S. (2024) AI and the OR schedule: Entangling artificial intelligence and expertise in healthcare coordination. European Group on Organizational Studies Colloquium 2023: Sub-theme 63: Rethinking Organizational Knowledge in Unsettling Times: People, Technology, and Knowing. Hosted by University of Milan-Bicocca, Italy
Bhardwaj, A; Faraj, S. (2024) The AI of the Beholder: How local expertise arrangements shape AI. Administrative Sciences Association of Canada Conference 2024. Hosted by Universite de Sherbrooke, Montreal
Bhardwaj, A; Faraj, S. (2024) Entangling Expertise and AI in the OR. Montreal Business Schools PhD Symposium 2024. Hosted by John Molson School of Business, Concordia University, Montreal
Bhardwaj, A.; Faraj, S. (2023). The AI of the Beholder: How explanations of AI produce AI. European Group on Organizational Studies Colloquium 2023: Sub-theme 11: Explaining AI in the context of organizations. Hosted by University of Cagliari, Italy
Faraj, S.; Bhardwaj, A.; Malas, K.; Brunet; F. (2023). Marching to Many Beats: Plural temporality in a hospital's COVID-19 response. European Group on Organizational Studies Colloquium 2023: Sub-theme 11: The Role Institutions, Networks, and Communities in Extreme Contexts. Hosted by University of Cagliari, Italy
Faraj, S.; Bhardwaj, A. (2023) A quality of mercy is not trained: The entanglement of AI and ethics in operating room scheduling. Academy of Management Annual Meeting 2023 Presenter Symposium: Navigating the ethical terrain of AI technologies: A practice based view. Boston, Massachusets
Bhardwaj, A. (2023) Improvising Coordination and Coordinating Improvisations during the COVID pandemic. Montreal Business Schools PhD Symposium 2023. Hosted by l'Ecole des Sciences de la Gestion, Université de Québec à Montréal.
Pearman, E. ; Faraj, S.; Bhardwaj, A.; Samad, H. (2023) Waiting for Go, Doc: Navigating the datascape of healthcare access in Quebec. Desautels Integrated Management Fellowship Annual Showcase, McGill University
Faraj, S.; Bhardwaj, A; Malas. K (2022) How a Major Canadian Tertiary Care Center Responded to the COVID-19 Pandemic. Academy of Management Annual Meeting 2022 Presenter Symposium: Relationships and Resilience in the COVID-19 Pandemic. Seattle, Washington
Bhardwaj, A. (2022) A Rudderless Ship: How Leadership Transitions can affect Organizational Innovation. Montreal Business Schools PhD Symposium 2022. Hosted by HEC Montreal
PDW (2021) Supporting Non-Traditional Research Career Paths in the Academy. PDW Facilitator. Academy of Management Annual Meeting 2021.
Bhardwaj, A.; Faraj, S. (2021) Triaging Breaches: A hospital’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic. European Group on Organizational Studies Colloquium 2021: Sub-theme 14: The Role of Temporality and Coordination in Extreme Contexts. Hosted by Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam
Bhardwaj, A.; Faraj, S. (2020 - Accepted) The flow and evolution of knowledge across academic collaboration networks. European Group on Organizational Studies Colloquium 2020: Sub-theme 34: New Approaches to Organizing Collaborative Knowledge Creation. Hosted by University of Hamburg
Other, Misc.
Bhardwaj, A. (2013) Effects of Life History and Genome Architecture on ssRNA Virus Evolution and Extinction. Three Essay Doctoral Dissertation. Emory University.
Bhardwaj, A. (2013) Demographic and Adaptive Evolution of RNA Viral Populations. Conference Presentation, Society for the Study of Evolution Conference. Snowbird, UT
Bhardwaj, A. (2013) Dynamics of Replication & RNA Viral Sensitivity to Demographic Extinction. Conference Poster. Ecology and Evolution of Infectious Diseases Conference at Penn State University, University Park, PA
Bhardwaj, A. (2012) Is RNA Virus Evolution Regulated by Threshold-like Phenomena? Conference Poster. Ecology and Evolution of Infectious Diseases Conference at University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI
Bhardwaj, A. (2011) Evolution in RNA Viruses along a Latitudinal Gradient. Conference Poster. Ecology and Evolution of Infectious Diseases Conference at UC Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA
Academic Experience
McGill University, Desautels Faculty of Management, Montreal: 2019 - Present
Lecturer: Emerging Technologies: Organizing and Societal Stakes, Winter 2023
Co-designed and delivered 400-level undergraduate elective
Enrolled local organization as sponsor for term impact project
Course rating 4.9/5.0 | Instructor rating 5.0/5.0
Research Supervisor: Marcel Desautels Integrated Management Student Fellowship Program: 2021 - Present
Supervised seven undergraduate research fellows.
Aided fellows in study design, qualitative and quantitative data collection, and producing deliverables (Research poster and analytical essays)
Trained fellows in exploratory quantitative data analysis of numerical data, qualitative analysis of interviews and texts, and machine-assisted interpretive analysis of large organizational text archives.
Guest Lecturer: Developing AI in Organizations; for Emerging Technologies: Organizing and Societal Stakes - Offered by Prof. Samer Faraj: 2022, 2023, 2024
Guest Lecturer: Demystifying Simulations; for Systems Thinking and Sustainability- Offered by Prof. Anna Kim: 2021, 2024
Guest Lecturer: Causal Loops and Dynamic Models; for Social Context of Business - Offered by Ms. Hanieh Mohammedi: 2022, 2023
Teaching Assistant: Emerging Technologies: Organizing and Societal Stakes - Offered by Prof. Samer Faraj: Winter 2022
Co-designed and facilitated all lectures
Research/Project design support
Grading and in-class moderation and support
Teaching Assistant: Systems Thinking for Sustainability - Offered by Prof. Anna Kim: Fall 2021
Grading and in-class moderation and support
Research Assistant: Social Network Analysis for Social Science Research - Offered by Prof. Brian Rubineau: Winter 2022, 2024
Assisted students in executing analyses in R programming language for weekly assignments and term projects.
Reinforced in-class materials on social network concepts
Guided students in data science and data management principles
Research Assistant: Group on Complex Collaboration, lead by Prof. Samer Faraj
Helped establish two qualitative research field sites for research group, built durable local relationships. Successfully helped insert one peer graduate student each into the field sites.
Coordinated research meeting series for two years.
Wrote and published natural language processing (NLP) tools for systematic literature reviews, actively used by PhD students and faculty members.
Emory University, Laney Graduate School, Atlanta: 2008-2013
Graduate Teaching/Research Assistant for Prof. Leslie A Real
Designed and delivered guest lectures on ecological strategies for competition and survival, co-evolution, community and niche development
Moderated weekly primary literature discussion and data analysis sessions
Academic Service
Division Editor: Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC), Technology and Innovation Management Division (TIM) 2024-Present
Student Representative-at-Large: Academy of Management Communications, Digital Technology, and Organizations Division (CTO) 2022-2024
Organizer/Volunteer: The Montreal Business Schools PhD Symposium 2023
Vice President (Academic): Desautels Doctoral Students Society, McGill 2021-2022
Peer Reviews: Reviewed 24 manuscripts for AOM annual meetings, 5 for ISIS annual meetings, 2 for ECIS annual meetings 2020-2024
Academic Awards
Desautels Doctoral Student Society 2024 Teaching Excellence Award
Montreal Business Schools PhD Symposium 2024 Best Research Paper: AI of the Beholder: How expertise arrangements produce AI. Hosted by John Molson School of Business, Concordia University
McGill Centre for Strategy Studies in Organizations 2024 Dissertation Award: AI in the OR: Construction and Consequences
Montreal Business Schools PhD Symposium 2022 Best Research Paper: A Rudderless Ship: How Leadership Transitions can affect Organizational Innovation. Hosted by HEC Montreal
Professional Experience
Accenture Digital, Atlanta: 2014-2019
High Value Clients, North America Communications, High-Tech, and Telecommunications Verticals. Customer Sales and Service Analyics, Applied AI.
Architect & Delivery Lead; Analytics Center Of Excellence - National Telecoms Client: 2018-2019
Co-developed analytics strategy, organizational design and operating model for new analytics organization
Led analytics team; services include process mapping and optimization, forecasting, simulation, and behavior modeling
Executed new organizational design by assisting client HR with hiring, training client teams and transitioning capabilities
Customer Behavior Subject Matter Advisor (SMA); Various Clients: 2016-2019
B2B Customer Behavior SMA for the North America Applied Intelligence practice
Participated in deal shaping, project proposal development, client orals, and project quality assurance for 27 projects at 16 telecommunications, entertainment and high-tech industry clients
Data Science Lead; Enterprise Analytics as a Service - Global Telecoms Client: 2015-2017
Led a multinational team that analyzed customer behavior to drive client's $10B+ annual global sales and marketing operations
Key activities include market segmentation, sales and marketing treatment strategy, customer targeting for acqusition, growth and retention campaigns, product rationalization, and sales resource allocation
Innovation Manager; Various Clients: 2015-2017
Designed and produced reusable analytics assets (algorithms, best practices, visualization standards) for Accenture Digital
Worked with C-Suite, Executive/Manager, and Rep-level clients to understand how they make data-driven decisions and designed dashboards with interfaces and user experiences specific to their decision processes
Data Scientist; Small/Medium Business Customer Retention - Regional Telecoms Client: 2014
Designed and implemented a predictive model to identify high-risk customers in the client's B2B customer base
The Emory University Library, Atlanta: 2006-2007
Reference and Technology Assistant
The Emory Wheel, Atlanta: 2006-2007
Editorials Illustrator for college weekly paper