JRNLS is an assembly of latent topic models, semantic vectors, and text embeddings of 21st century management research, from the sub disciplines of organizational theory, organizational behavior, strategy, innovation, information systems, entrepreneurship, and operations management research. JRNLS is based on a text corpus of more than 30,000 peer-reviewed research papers published from 2000 to present, in journals including the Academy of Management Journal, Administrative Science Quarterly, Organization Science, Strategic Management Journal, Organizational Studies, Academy of Management Review, Management Informations Systems Quarterly, Information Systems Research, Management Science, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, and Harvard Business Review, among others. JRNLS includes an author collaboration network, a citation network, and other metadata.
Download an early prototype of JRNLS here.
Interact with an LDA topic model of management research here.
Examine patterns of research co-authorship (and research conversations) here.
Preliminary Representations
Journal-Topic Heatmap
Time-Topic Heatmap
Defining Vocabularies